Bernanke on military service and labor market outcomes

“The evidence appears to be that there really is not an advantage,” Bernanke told a crowd at a Brookings Institution event in Washington. “If you go into the military at age 18 — versus an identical person who stays in the private sector and takes a private sector job — 10 years later, if you leave the military, your skills and wages are probably not going to be quite as high on average as a private sector person.”

Bob Hale: Tortoise and Hare

Bob Hale says the tortoise is winning:

The tortoise represents a persistent Obama Administration that has pushed for changes that can become law, freeing up billions a year to improve military capabilities. The tortoise also represents a Congress that, while sometimes reluctant, has approved many of the Obama Administration changes and, in a few cases, has gone beyond them.

Defense Reform Consensus

Yesterday, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a forum to discuss the letter issued by a consortium of think tanks encouraging defense reform. Many speakers mentioned the need for data. It is time for Defense to have a Chief Data Officer and Chief Economist. In addition, DoD needs to remove many of the IT bottlenecks that prevent information gathering and sharing.

Rand: Price increases likely will hurt commissaries

From an article in this week's Air Force Times:

Estimates suggest that a 1 percent change in prices will result in a greater than 1 percent change in the amount of products sold by stores, the researchers said.

"If these findings hold true for a change in the price of goods sold at commissaries, then an increase in prices will decrease revenues," the report stated.

Sounds like elasticity to me.